Well its been a while hasn't it.....
After a few tough months I had a bit of a blogging break but I am back writing away, I have lots of posts planned, some quite personal, some just my usual rambles, but usual and regular posts will soon commence....
So one of my bestie's Sam at Coco Butter Blog has tagged me in her 11 Things you didn't know about me- The Travel Tag and well one of my favourite things is travelling to new places and going on new adventures so it seemed like the perfect welcome back post.
1. What’s the best place you’ve ever been to?
First question and I am already struggling, I am very fortunate I have been to some amazing places throughout my life, but a recent trip to Disney Land Paris with my sister holds some very special memories, we had an amazing time together and its such a magical place so that is one of my favourites, I also had an amazing time in Las Vegas with my family and my Dad lives in Dubai and I love it there.....okay so I have majority cheated here, I just can't choose.
2. Do you prefer going abroad or a staycation?
I love visiting places within the UK as there are some great cities to explore, London, Edinburgh and York being my particular places, but I do prefer going abroad, there is just so much of the world I want to see so I love travelling to new countries and experiencing a whole new place.
3. What are your fashion holiday essentials?
A black maxi dress....great for day and night so I always take this essential with me.
4. Who’s your favourite person to go travelling with?
I love family holidays and most of my holiday memories include my sister Laura.....we have so many travel plans together so it has to be her.
5. What’s your favourite holiday memory?
When we were younger we always used to go on family holidays with my cousins, we didn't grow up living close by one another so these holidays were always a great time to spend time together and I have such amazing memories. One of my personal favourites was when we were in Majorca at a seafood restaurant whilst someone was picking a lobster out of the tank (this always horrified me a little bit) but the lobster got selected and rather than accepting his fate he bit the waiter, who dropped him and the lobster escaped back into the sea......the whole restaurant was clapping and cheering, that memory has always stayed with me.
6. If you could only go on holiday to one place for the rest of your life, where would you choose?
As long as my dad still lived there I would go to Dubai, its the perfect combination of a city break with shopping and sightseeing but its also got fantastic weather and beautiful beaches....what more could you want.

7. Is there anywhere you’d avoid going?
I am not sure really, there is no where really I would want to avoid, I suppose I am not a huge fan of roughing it so to speak so as long as I can stay in a hotel I am a happy girl.
8. Where was your first holiday?
I think my first holiday was greece but I don't remember it, the first one I remember is Majorca.
9. Do you prefer relaxing or doing things on holiday?
Again I can't pick just one so I like a combination of relaxation and exploring. However I can't sit still relaxing I need a good book or some music to keep me occupied.
10. What are your beach bag essentials?
As I mentioned above I like to have a good book to keep me occupied or some music to listen to, in addition to that I need some lip balm because my lips get so dry, sun cream for my very pale skin and my ray bans.
11. Where are you travelling to next?
I have a few holidays coming up in the next few months such a jet setter, I am off to Durham with the girls for a long weekend, which will be a nice relaxing few days away from home, I also have a long weekend in Ibiza booked with one of my friends, it was a spur of the moment booking in a moment of madness and I can't wait and finally I am going to Dubai to visit my dad later on in the weekend.